Fast Brewing Time: Simple to use with a quiet brew process, the KBGV Select makes a half or full carafe in 4-6 minutes.
Precision Brewing Temperature:A brewing temperature of 196° - 205° F is necessary to release coffee solubles essential for a flavorful and complex coffee. Moccamaster's copper boiling element ensures a consistent and precise water temperature throughout the entire brew process.
Automatic Shut-off: After 100 minutes, the hot plate will automatically turn-off.
Perfect Saturation Time: An optimal pulse-drip method allows for the perfect coffee bloom and saturation time, extracting coffee solubles to maximize complexity, flavor, and aroma.
Glass Carafe:The KBGV Select Series utilizes a glass carafe on a hot plate.
Clean Pour: An automatic drip-stop brew-basket stops the flow of coffee if the carafe is pulled away.
Enjoy to the Last Drop: Coffee is held on a unique hot-plate which is engineered with a separate, independent element that rolls heat into the coffee to ensure an even taste from the first cup to the last drop.
Adjustable Holding Temperature:The selector switch adjusts the hotplate temperature within the range of 175°F - 185°F depending on how much you brew.
Controlled Turbulence: The force of water dripping from the outlet arm and shape of the brew basket have all been designed to create the perfect amount of agitation of water and grounds resulting in a coffee bloom that brings the flavor profile of beans to life.
The Golden Cup: The flavor of brewed coffee is determined by how many solubles are extracted during the brewing process. This is measured by the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) coffee to water ratio. Moccamaster brewers produce the perfect TDS yield of 18% to 22%, as required by the European Coffee Brewing Centre, meeting and exceeding the Gold Cup Standard.
Everything You Need: Nothing extra or unnecessary is added. The technical capability, durability and general ease-of-use of Moccamaster coffee brewers make them simply the best in the world.
Handmade to Last: All Moccamaster Coffee Brewers are handmade in the Netherlands and backed by an industry-leading 5-year warranty.